The problem of traffic and transportation has led to frustration, loss\r\nof time, fuel and waste of effort in organizing and controlling traffic. This\r\nwasted time is as a result of slow movement with increasing delays and has\r\nled to difficulties with respect to punctuality and interviews. Also, it has\r\nextended the energy and effort and increase in the proportion of air pollution\r\nand deterioration of behavior, as well. The problem of congestion during\r\npeak hours is due to the high population density and increased transportation\r\nand the growing demand for use in its various forms. In addition, this can be\r\nseen in light of the survival networks of roads and bridges intact without any\r\ndevelopment or change to accommodate changes as a result of this increase.\r\nThe researcher in this study examined the factors and variables affecting the\r\nurban transport such as land uses in the urban area, urban development and\r\nurban sprawl horizontal and increase in the density of urban areas, as well as\r\nthe study of the elements of assessing the efficiency of urban transport\r\nsystem and the basic principles of urban transport in Misurata.